Pastor Joshua Hughes was born and raised in Michigan City, Indiana. It was at an young age that he received Jesus Christ as his Saviour. As a teenager in High School, he was called to the ministry.
In May of 2010, Joshua graduated from Fairhaven Baptist College with a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Theology and Master’s degree in Bible. During that time, Joshua met Brittany Nielsen who was also attending Fairhaven Baptist College. She graduated from college the same year with a degree in Elementary Education. In the following winter of 2010, Joshua and Brittany were happily married.
In August of 2013, Joshua and Brittany moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he became the Assistant Pastor of Anchor Baptist Church working underneath the leadership of Pastor Randall Love. It was during this time that God blessed them with two wonderful boys, Brian and Bennett.
In August of 2016, Pastor Hughes moved his family from Salt Lake City, Utah to Frackville, Pennsylvania to become the Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Since then, the Lord has blessed them with two more sons, Bruce and Brett.
You can listen to some messages from our pastor here.
Dear Friend,
Thank you for stopping by and visiting our on-line home. Making the decision to visit a church can be a difficult one to make; one that has many factors to consider before visiting. I trust that when you decide to visit us, you will see us for who we are: a family that seeks to live out an authentic, simple, and meaningful Christian faith. Together, we are striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there is powerful preaching, relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here. I hope to see you soon.
Because of Calvary,
Pastor Joshua Hughes